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9 Assisted Living Communities in Eastvale, California

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $3,500 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 9 Assisted Living Communities in Eastvale and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Eastvale, CA

  • Assisted Living: $3,500
  • Nursing Home Care: $7,550
  • In-home Care: $4,481
  • Adult Day Health Services: $1,668

Assisted Living Facilities near Eastvale, California

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Map of Eastvale, California

Assisted Living Costs in Eastvale

The 2018 Genworth Cost of Care study shows that assisted living costs in Eastvale ($3,500) are markedly lower than the national average of $4,000 and nearby California cities, such as Oxnard ($4,575) and Santa Maria ($4,825). It’s also significantly less expensive than the San Diego and Los Angeles areas, where monthly rates match the $4,500 state average. The cost variance is especially noticeable between San Louis Obispo ($5,450) and Bakersfield, where assisted living rates are just $3,150 per month.

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Eastvale, so data for the closest city, Riverside, was used.

The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas

Eastvale/Riverside Area


National Average


State Average


Los Angeles Area


Oxnard Area


Santa Maria Area




San Louis Obispo Area


San Diego Area


Care Cost Comparison

Various factors impact senior care costs, including the level of care, the setting and hours of service provided. Adult day health services are the least costly care option in Eastvale, but they only provide weekday care in a group setting. Homemaker and home health aide services are comparably priced, but the rates only represent the service hours provided. Assisted living is about $1,000 less expensive per month, and it includes the added expense of residential room and board. Nursing home care offers round-the-clock skilled services, which helps explain why it’s more than double the cost of assisted living.


Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Eastvale

Medicaid in California

Medicaid is the federally regulated, national health care program that provides coverage for low-income Americans regardless of age. The program is funded by the federal government in conjunction with individual states and administered at the state level.

The California Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, provides low-cost or free health care services to seniors aged 65 or older as well as blind or disabled adults who are U.S. citizens or legal residents. Those receiving federal Supplemental Security Income automatically qualify for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits, but other senior applicants must meet income and resource limits of:

  • $1,242 in monthly income and up to $2,000 in countable resources for a single person
  • $1,682 in monthly income and up to $3,000 in countable resources for a couple applying together

Medi-Cal counts income from all sources, including pensions, stock dividends, Social Security and disability benefits. Some resources are exempt, such as an applicant’s home, one vehicle, household items and personal belongings, including jewelry.

Seniors in need of long-term nursing home care can qualify for Medi-Cal institutional coverage regardless of income, but the basic resource limits still apply.

Those who are over the income limit but face high medical bills may be eligible for coverage with a share of cost. Medi-Cal calculates the applicant’s share based on excess income, and coverage begins once this amount is spent on medical bills.

Married seniors have options available to reduce over-the-limit income and assets to qualify for coverage if just one spouse applies.

  • Up to $3,160.50 in monthly income can be disregarded as a living allowance for a non-applicant spouse
  • Up to $126,420 in jointly owned assets can be excluded as a community spouse resource allowance

Seniors can apply for Medi-Cal coverage online, in person at the Department of Public Social Services office in Norco or over the phone by calling (800) 300-1506.

Medi-Cal Assisted Living Waiver

Those who are Medi-Cal eligible and qualified for long-term care services can apply for the Assisted Living waiver as an alternative to institutional care. This Home and Community-Based Services waiver program is in place to limit nursing home admissions to reduce the cost of care and provide improved quality of life for seniors and those with disabilities. The waiver doesn’t pay the room-and-board portion of facility fees, but it covers other costs such as:

  • Care coordination and transition services
  • Recreational activities
  • Housekeeping and laundry services
  • Meals and snacks
  • Assistance performing activities of daily living
  • Personal care
  • Social services
  • Assistance with administering medication
  • Transportation

Eastvale residents aged 21 or older may qualify for the ALW if they:

  • Have full-scope Medi-Cal coverage with no share of cost
  • Have been assessed as needing nursing home-level care
  • Are able to live outside a nursing facility without safety concerns
  • Are willing to move to a participating, licensed assisted living facility

Because the ALW isn’t an entitlement program and services are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, there may be a waiting list for available slots.

Seniors in Eastvale can contact one of the five Care Coordination Agencies serving Riverside County to learn more about the ALW or schedule a qualifying assessment.

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Assisted Living Bridge Loan

A bridge loan can be a viable solution to a temporary cash shortage for seniors who want to move into assisted living now, rather than waiting for their home to sell or benefit payments to begin. Elderlife Financial bridge loans let seniors span a cash gap and cover entrance fees and first month’s rent with ease. These loans offer tailored terms of up to 24 months, a hassle-free application and approval process and no out-of-pocket costs or up-front fees. Loan proceeds are often available within 24 hours of approval and may be provided as a lump sum or a convenient line of credit to be drawn on as needed.

To learn more or to apply for a bridge loan by phone, seniors can call Elderlife Financial Services at (888) 228-4500.

Optional State Supplement

Eastvale residents over age 65, disabled or blind who receive Supplemental Security Income may be eligible for a monthly add-on benefit from the state of California. The exact benefit amount depends on an applicant’s income and living situation, but the current maximum Optional State Supplement benefits available are $160.62 per person and $407.14 for a married couple. To qualify for the SSI and OSS programs, single seniors are limited to $771 in monthly income and $2,000 in assets. Married couples are allowed $1,157 in income and $3,000 in assets.

To apply for SSI and OSS top-up benefits, seniors can contact the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213.

Assisted Living Resources in Eastvale

Senior Center

The Rose M. Eldridge Senior Center in nearby Norco welcomes area residents aged 50 and over with a wide range of programs, services and activities. Seniors can get their hands dirty in the 1.4-acre garden, take a quilting, ceramics, woodcrafting or yoga class or enjoy a game of bingo, Scrabble or billiards. The center also offers healthy weekday lunches, free shuttle service and monthly planned excursions.

Rose M. Eldridge Senior Center
2690 Clark Ave., Norco, CA 92860
(951) 270-5647

Area Agency on Aging

The Riverside County Office on Aging is the designated Area Agency on Aging. The agency plans and implements programs to enhance quality of life for adults with disabilities and the elderly. Through the COA, senior Eastvale residents can access resources such as care coordination, health insurance counseling and advocacy, legal assistance, chronic disease management, care transition intervention and transportation. Riverside County Office on Aging
3610 Central Ave., 5th Fl., Riverside, CA 92506
(951) 867-3800

Resources for Veterans

The County of Riverside Veterans Services office offers help filing for VA pensions for non service-related disabilities, information and assistance with applications for VA medical care and advice about government life insurance. The Corona VA outpatient clinic provides health services for area veterans including primary care, specialty care referrals, routine prescriptions and lab tests.

County of Riverside Veterans Services
4360 Orange St., Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-3060

Corona VA Outpatient Clinic
2045 Compton Ave., Bldg. 7 Ste. 101, Corona, CA 92881
(951) 817-8820

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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