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Hart Park Square Senior Living

6600 West River Pkwy, Wauwatosa, WI 53213

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

Independent Living

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Description of Hart Park Square Senior Living

At Hart Park Square Senior Living in Wauwatosa, you'll find opportunities to keep your body fit, your spirit nourished and your mind sharp. You'll find neighbors who want to stay involved. People enjoy the symphony, visit area museums and regularly attend plays. They compete in Wii bowling, play sudoku, and volunteer at a neighborhood school. They have card clubs, a writing group, an art guild, and speakers who discuss topics of the day. There is always something to do, and someone to do it with.

Hart Park Square Senior Living is a community of people dedicated to helping you stay healthy, active and engaged so you can truly enjoy this time of life. And everyone who works here has one thing in common: an appreciation and respect for older adults. You'll see it in the friendly smiles, the genuine interest in stories from the past and the way our staff relates to everyone who lives here.

The offerings at Hart Park Square Senior Living match the diverse make-up of those who live here. People are as active as they want to be. Every month there is a full calendar of social and educational opportunities offered to residents.

In our communities, seniors do not merely reside. They thrive. That's because ensuring their good health and helping them stay active and engaged isn't merely part of a mission statement that hangs on a wall, it's part of our daily routine. And our full-time Lifestyle Director monitors the number and types of programs at Hart Park Square Senior Living monthly to make sure that the expected balance of social, wellness, creative, educational and spiritual activities are scheduled. Here are a just a few examples of Hart Park Square Senior Living activities:


Stop at daily Coffee Klatch and discuss the news of the day, join the knitting club or the men's club or one of many groups playing cards. You'll want to check the calendar to see what concerts, theatre, sightseeing, lunches or special events are coming up. Enjoy the Friendship Tea Circle hosted monthly by one of our volunteers or learn computer skills from one of the visiting students from Marquette High School. We believe in looking at the possibilities rather than the barriers, so you'll find lots of interesting opportunities to socialize.

Health & Wellness

Start each weekday with an exercise class or stop in to use a treadmill. Build strength and endurance with Wi bowling while you play for a league trophy. Try NIA, a body-mind-spirit exercise that uses 52 basic moves, borrowed from dance and the martial arts. Attend a program on managing a chronic disease or get your blood pressure checked during a scheduled wellness clinic. And enjoy healthy and tasty dining daily, with choices at every meal, prepared onsite by highly trained chefs. We offer tangible ways to live healthier.

Creative and Educational

Sing in the chorus, join the writing group or play in the Golden Eagles Resident Band. Try painting at the weekly Art Guild that also includes older adults who live in the Wauwatosa area. Join the book club for lively discussion or attend a Life-long Learning class. Many people have tried new creative hobbies they just never seemed to have time for before. Or volunteer to help a local cause. There are many opportunities to explore. It's easy to stay active and informed.


Continue to attend your own congregation or come to weekly Lutheran Services, Catholic Mass and Communion. Priests and ministers from the area offer services right at Hart Park Square Senior Living. Join others for rosary hour or a Bible study group, both of which meet weekly. Participate in hymn singing on Wednesday.

Consider attending a program that explores the mind-body-spirit connection. There are many opportunities to remain spiritually nourished. Hart Park Square Senior Living is open to all faiths.

Hart Park Square Senior Living Amenities

Specialized Staff

  • Nurse on Staff (Part time)

Health Services

  • Medication Reminders


  • English spoken

Staff Training & Qualifications

  • Staff trained in Medication Management

Room Amenities

  • Kitchen Appliances In Unit

Financing & Payment Options

  • Financial Guidance
  • Accepts Insurance

Fitness & Wellness Programs

  • Salon Services

On-Site Services

  • Veterans Affairs (VA) Aid Assistance
  • Religious Services


  • Occupational Therapy/Rehabilitation
  • Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation


  • Pets

Housekeeping & Maintenance

  • Linen Services
  • Housekeeping Services
  • Laundry Services

Games Hobbies & Recreation

  • Facilitated Field Trips/Outings

Parking Options

  • Parking Lot

Transportation & Shopping

  • General Transportation Services

Additional Amenity Information

  • Fee Structure: Independent Living fees are rent, plus utilities, and phone. Assisted Living fees are rent, plus care fees, utilities, and phone.
  • Dining: Dining Room
  • Payment Options: ACH
  • State Licenses: 0010859-WI

Photos of Hart Park Square Senior Living

Tour Hart Park Square Senior Living

The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at Hart Park Square Senior Living.

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Map of Hart Park Square Senior Living

Costs at Hart Park Square Senior Living

Assisted Living


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Independent Living


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Reviews of Hart Park Square Senior Living


1 review

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October 5, 2023

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I have a friend who lives at Hart Park Square and they absolutely love it. Great food and amazing people. I have seen so much improvement over this past year. Every time I come they are offering something new. Food is amazing. A really nice joint and nice rooms. Beautiful. Nice staff. Really a small town feel. Everything feels safe, calm, all look happy

4.33 stars from 7 reviews of Hart Park Square Senior Living on®

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