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Portola Gardens

350 University Street , San Francisco, CA 94134

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

Memory Care

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Description of Portola Gardens

Here at AgeSong University we believe that as individuals age, they deserve to live in an atmosphere that encourages them to live their lives as they see fit; “the freedom to be.” Our communities offer specialized services for high needs assisted living for complex medical conditions, innovative forgetfulness care (which others call memory or Alzheimer's care), a behavioral health program and Zen inspired hospice care.

Located in San Francisco, residents can enjoy local restaurants, coffee shops and neighborhood parks accompanied by our staff and interns.

AgeSong University is owned by Pacific Institute, a non-profit organization located in the Bay Area that serves elders through the care, education and research they provide.

Our communities offer a host of cozy and relaxing accommodations for individuals to enjoy, many featuring large windows and plenty of natural light. Residents enjoy sunny weather on our patios. Our communities also feature a number of public areas, where residents have the opportunity to gather with friends and family.

Regardless of age, our residents have the opportunity to learn and benefit from new experiences. Throughout the week, a number of cultural, educational and social programs are scheduled. Many of these programs not only involve the individual, but also incorporate family, friends and staff members.

Available Services

AgeSong University offer various levels of assistance, so residents always retain just the right amount of independence while receiving the very best in care services. Whether the resident is in need of basic assisted living or complex memory care, we have just the right care plan for them.

Our Specialized Behavioral and Emotional Care Program utilizes a non-pathological approach by creating therapeutic environments that allow our residents to simply be who they are, without being told how to be. All residents have an opportunity to connect with interns who provide emotional and therapeutic support individually and/or in group settings.

AgeSong University are compassionate providers of high needs assisted living, forgetfulness care (Alzheimer's and memory care) behavioral health care, and Zen inspired hospice care.

601 Laguna Street601 Laguna Street

Portola Gardens Amenities


  • No Pets

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  • All Inclusive Rent
  • Rent And Care Fees

Additional Amenity Information

  • Fee Structure: $3000 Community Fee
  • Housing: Private & Shared Rooms
  • Special Comment: Located in the Garden District in San Francisco’s Portola neighborhood, this beautifully restored historical landmark…built in the 1930s and renovated in 2018…has a long history of providing senior care to San Francisco residents. At Portola Gardens, you’ll find a supportive environment where experienced caregivers provide personal assistance, activities, and encouragement.
  • State Licenses: 385600402

Photos of Portola Gardens

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The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at Portola Gardens.

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Map of Portola Gardens

Costs at Portola Gardens

Assisted Living


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Memory Care


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3.6 stars from 19 reviews of Portola Gardens on®

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