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Spring Gardens Lindon

815 W 700 N, Lindon, UT 84042

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

Memory Care

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Description of Spring Gardens Lindon

Here at Spring Gardens, we focus on the individual. We understand that each person has different preferences and needs, so we are flexible. Our residents are free to eat at a time that's convenient for them; we don't limit them to a certain dining schedule, and we provide a variety of foods and options. Our residents are involved in a range of activities inside and outside of our community. To give our residents the best care possible, we have a full-time nurse on staff.

Spring Gardens offers assisted living services to residents who need some help with daily activities. Assisted living allows them to maintain their independence, yet receive help where they need it. Caregivers and nurses are available 24 hours a day to help manage medications, assist with dressing and grooming, and provide companionship to our residents. We build a custom plan for each resident and family, and we believe in the power and dignity of allowing our residents to do as much for themselves as possible.

Our assisted living includes:
  • Personalized service based on resident's life history, needs and interests
  • Highly trained and caring staff
  • Excellent programming and activities
  • Medication management and regular health checks
  • Dressing and hygiene care
  • Laundry service
  • Safe, kind environment
  • Flexible dining options

The Alzheimer's and memory care program at Spring Gardens gives residents and their families much-needed support. The reality of memory loss is difficult, but our memory care program provides our residents with hope, a sense of belonging, and opportunities for positive interactions with others. It draws on each resident's strengths, allows them to maintain existing abilities, and fills any gaps in life skills with appropriate levels of assistance.

Our memory care includes:
  • Personalized service based on resident's life history, needs and interests
  • Highly trained and caring staff
  • Excellent programming and activities
  • Thoughtfully designed community
  • Safe, kind environment
  • Brain-boosting nutrition progra

Spring Gardens Lindon Amenities

Resident Information

  • Offers Respite Care


  • No Pets

Additional Amenity Information

  • Fee Structure: Entry fee cost : $3000
  • Activities: 1950's Retro Ice Cream Parlor - Movie Theater - Game Loung
  • Special Comment: Located in Lindon, Utah with a stunning view of the Wasatch mountains, Spring Gardens Senior Living provides the best care for seniors in Utah County. With a vibrant community filled with caring team members, we are committed to fostering a culture that provides meaningful support to our residents. Nestled next to fields of horses in a beautiful farm town, Spring Gardens is located with easy access to all the amenities of the Provo-Orem area.
  • State Licenses: 2565

Photos of Spring Gardens Lindon

Tour Spring Gardens Lindon

The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at Spring Gardens Lindon.

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Map of Spring Gardens Lindon

Costs at Spring Gardens Lindon

Assisted Living


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Memory Care


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Reviews of Spring Gardens Lindon

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3.83 stars from 7 reviews of Spring Gardens Lindon on®

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