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Rocky Hollow Lake House

1650 County Road, 245, Georgetown, TX 78633

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Memory Care

Assisted Living

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Description of Rocky Hollow Lake House

Welcome to Hidden Hills Assisted Living/Memory Care. Our inviting senior living community offers residents the comfort and convenience of a hassle-free lifestyle free from the burdens of home ownership. Located in the city of Georgetown, we provide a variety of on-site services to help our residents enjoy their stay to the fullest. In addition, we provide a choice amount of amenities to promote a relaxing experience for individuals residing at our community. Accommodations come in a selection of options. Depending on the individual, Hidden Hills Assisted Living/Memory Care could be the perfect fit for seniors seeking senior living options in or around Georgetown, TX.

Rocky Hollow Lake House Amenities


  • Pets


  • English spoken

Games Hobbies & Recreation

  • Facilitated Field Trips/Outings

Inside Amenities

  • Entertainment Venues

Financing & Payment Options

  • All Inclusive Rent

Transportation & Shopping

  • General Transportation Services

Ambulatory Assistance & Accessibility

  • Mobility & Wheelchair Assistance


  • Communal Dining

On-Site Services

  • Religious Services

Housekeeping & Maintenance

  • Linen Services
  • Laundry Services
  • Housekeeping Services

Outside Amenities

  • Garden

Additional Amenity Information

  • Housing: Companion Studios/Private Studios
  • Special Comment: Our care goes above and beyond because this is personal to us. Rocky Hollow Lake House is proud to be a family-run operation. We are honored to say our resident's, their families, and our staff is a part of our family.
  • State Licenses: 102467

Photos of Rocky Hollow Lake House

Tour Rocky Hollow Lake House

The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at Rocky Hollow Lake House.

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Map of Rocky Hollow Lake House

Costs at Rocky Hollow Lake House

Memory Care


Starting Price

Assisted Living


Starting Price

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Reviews of Rocky Hollow Lake House


2 reviews

  • Facility


  • Staff




April 18, 2021

I visited this facility

We went to Rocky Hollow Lake. We were impressed, but the one concern that my husband had was that he didn't feel like it was as clean as he would like it to be. I know that they were also doing some construction, but I don't know if it's just because of the construction they were doing or if that's an "all the time" thing. Otherwise, we were very impressed with the facility. They only have single rooms; it's like what I would call an "efficiency apartment." When you walk in, there is a kitchenette where my sister-in-law would have a refrigerator. I can't remember if there was a microwave or not, but there's also a sink, and then a little peninsula that could be used as a dining table. It also had some cabinets. It's one large room, maybe thirteen feet by seventeen feet or something like that. It had a bath to the side with a walk-in shower, a toilet, a sink, and two closets for clothing. We were not as impressed with the showers in the rooms; they're a bit old. We were very impressed with the staff, too. They had a dining area where they ate and did some activities. They have a couple of courtyards where you can go out and sit. They have been doing activities regularly. They have had people coming in to sing and things like that, but right now it's COVID so things are different.



April 17, 2019

I visited this facility

Rocky Hollow Lake House was very nice. It looked like a house in the country and I felt really comfortable there. It's very small, but very home-like. The outside appearance was very nice and inside was very homey. They seemed to interact with the residents. They had a cafeteria and they were playing games and having some fun. The person who showed me around was excellent.

4.23 stars from 26 reviews of Rocky Hollow Lake House on®

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