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Elderwood Village at Greece

1404 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14626

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

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Description of Elderwood Village at Greece

Elderwood Village at Greece is an assisted living community in scenic Rochester, New York. Known as the 'Flower City,' Rochester boasts stunningly beautiful blooms year round and hosts over 140 festivals and events through the spring, summer and early fall. With more than 100 family-friendly attractions, Rochester is a vibrant place for people of all ages to call home.

Our community at Elderwood Village at Greece is peaceful and quiet with easy access to all the fun and conveniences of Rochester. At Elderwood Village in Greece, residents enjoy personalized care in a home-like environment where our staff cares deeply for each person. Residents choose from three different apartment styles, choosing one that best suits their needs. Each home features individual climate control, private bathrooms and emergency call system.

Residents at Elderwood Village at Greece live an abundant life, free from the hassles of home ownership. Our residents are able to rest comfortably knowing our well-trained staff is taking care of life's little hassles. Services and amenities at Elderwood Village at Greece include:


  • Comfortable private rooms with bath, walk-in showers, individualized climate control and call system
  • Weekly housekeeping, laundry and scheduled transportation services
  • Round-the-clock supervision
  • Medication management and assistance with dressing, bathing and grooming
  • Attractive, safe and secure single-level building
  • Pleasant dining experience at every meal
  • Wellness programs, daily activities and regular outings
  • Washers and dryers available for personal use
  • Enclosed courtyard with walking paths and gardening areas with raised beds
  • Arts and crafts studio
  • Cafe / Bistro
  • Library, game room, billiards table and theater
  • Chapel
  • Full-service hair salon
  • Pet friendly
  • Part of the Elderwood community of service

Thank you for your interest at Elderwood Village at Greece. Please give us a call to schedule a free tour.

Elderwood Village at Greece Amenities


  • Communal Dining

Housekeeping & Maintenance

  • Housekeeping Services
  • Linen Services
  • Laundry Services


  • English spoken

Additional Amenity Information

  • Housing: STUDIOS ONLY

Fitness & Wellness Programs

  • Salon Services


  • Pets

Outside Amenities

  • Garden

Games Hobbies & Recreation

  • Facilitated Field Trips/Outings

Specialized Staff

  • Nurse on Staff (Part time)

Transportation & Shopping

  • General Transportation Services

Photos of Elderwood Village at Greece

Tour Elderwood Village at Greece

The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at Elderwood Village at Greece.

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Map of Elderwood Village at Greece

Costs at Elderwood Village at Greece

Assisted Living


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Reviews of Elderwood Village at Greece


4 reviews

  • Facility


  • Staff


  • Food


  • Activities


  • Value




September 20, 2018

I visited this facility

Brookdale West Side Rochester was very good. The manager of the place gave us a tour, sat down with us, answered our questions, and gave us other things to think about. We toured the entire community. The tour was very well done. When we left there, we really didn't have any questions. It was nice that the residents all had his/her own private rooms. The staff was very friendly. The residents seemed like they were well cared for. The staff was really concerned about them and they knew everybody by name. They did have scheduled activities throughout the day. The activities manager would bring in a couple of ladies out of their rooms to take them to the activity room.



May 12, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

We were pleased with the staff and the program that Brookdale West Side Rochester had. The place looked very nice and clean. They gave us the room that we requested for my father-in-law. He's being very well taken care of, and he loves the food. The nurses are great. They pay a lot of attention to him. They're great with us as a family. When we have questions or concerns, or we want to update his medication or anything like that, they're always right on top of it. They have a lot of different programs, but he hasn't partaken in any of them yet. They have a lot to do every day. There are not a lot of residents there, so the place isn't overwhelmed with a lot of people. For what we're paying, it's a nice ratio of staff to residents. It's bright and sunny, and everybody is cheerful. It didn't look very overcrowded. We really liked it in that respect.



June 28, 2018

I visited this facility

I got a good impression of Brookdale West Side Rochester. The young lady who gave us the tour gave us very good feedback. The place is very clean and friendly. The dining area was small and clean. They have some arts and crafts, bingo, and different entertainment that comes in.



November 21, 2017

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

For the last month, my dad has had a very pleasant experience with Brookdale West Side Rochester. He is adapting very well. The staff is excellent. They keep me posted as far as anything that happens with him. If I need to do something as far as medication or if there are any adjustments, they keep me posted. He does some arts and crafts. His primary interest is music. I was informed last week by some staff that he really enjoyed a band that came by who did German music. He's from Germany and he enjoyed it. They actually videotaped him participating. They told me about it and it was on Facebook. If they have any concerns as far as things that come up, they inform you quickly. They're very easy to work with and they offer so much as far as activities, and they have round-the-clock care. I haven't had so many problems with them. He has been great as far as working with them.

3.96 stars from 25 reviews of Elderwood Village at Greece on®

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