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1 (844) 759-0108

Almond Heights Senior Living

8685 Greenback Lane, Orangevale, CA 95662

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

Memory Care

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Description of Almond Heights Senior Living


At Almond Heights, we make sure to provide residents with a wide array of amenities and services to ensure that all residents feel safe, cared for, and loved at all times! We provide Assisted Living and Memory care lifestyles you can be sure that you or your loved one will be taken care of at all times!

We make sure to provide our residents with a wide array of amenities such as an art gallery, a library for our residents who enjoy reading a good book, PuzzlePlanet is our puzzle corner where residents can enjoy a puzzle or two, and Golden Oldies Movie Theater where residents can enjoy a great movie. For our residents who want to enjoy the outdoors, we provide an outdoor grill area, two courtyards, and a sun deck.

Available Services

In order to ensure that our residents are as safe as possible at all times we provide an AlphaOne ambulance that is on-site, we make sure to provide residents with a restaurant that is led by a classically trained chef who creates nutritional creations, We have a fitness program that offers 3 alternating classes every day in a fully equipped work out room along with a safe and secure walking path!

Almond Heights Senior Living Amenities

Kitchen Types

  • Kitchenette

Fitness & Wellness Programs

  • Salon Services

Housekeeping & Maintenance

  • Housekeeping Services
  • Laundry Services
  • Linen Services

Specialized Staff

  • Nurse on Staff (Part time)

Financing & Payment Options

  • Rent And Care Fees

Additional Amenity Information

  • Licenses: RCFE
  • State Licenses: 347005535

Aquatic Amenities

  • Swimming Pool

Games Hobbies & Recreation

  • Facilitated Field Trips/Outings

Inside Amenities

  • Entertainment Venues

Transportation & Shopping

  • General Transportation Services


  • English spoken


  • Communal Dining
  • Guest Meals

Health Services

  • Skilled Nursing

Parking Options

  • Parking Lot


  • Pet restrictions
  • Pets

Outside Amenities

  • Garden

Photos of Almond Heights Senior Living

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The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at Almond Heights Senior Living.

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Map of Almond Heights Senior Living

Costs at Almond Heights Senior Living

Assisted Living


Starting Price

Memory Care


Starting Price

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By clicking "Get Costs" I am providing express written consent to receive calls including automated/pre-recorded calls and automated texts for which I may incur a cost, as well as emails from Caring and its partners. I understand I am not obligated to provide this consent to utilize Caring’s service(s). I acknowledge I was able to review the Agreement to be Contacted, Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy.


Reviews of Almond Heights Senior Living


4 reviews

  • Facility


  • Staff


  • Food


  • Activities




December 22, 2020

I visited this facility

Almond Heights Senior Living was a very nice place, very big, and a lot of nice people work there. The apartment that was furnished was beautiful. The one that the staff showed us that would be for my husband I thought was small, but she sent me a video on the computer of what it looked like when it was all furnished, and it looked very nice. The staff was very nice. I didn't see a lot of the other people that work there. They had a very nice sitting area, and they had a backyard and they had tables out there. They had everything that you would expect.

Lyn M


June 10, 2018

I visited this facility

I was very pleased with Almond Heights Senior Living. They had set up entertainment for the residents there that was very nice. There were even some that were not really with it, but they still had them there. They saw to it that they actually had a chance to hear some music and participate. I had a meal there that was really nice, very tasty, and very well prepared. The apartments were really nice and some had kitchenettes. The staff was extremely helpful, pleasant, answered all your questions, and really made you feel welcome. The facility was very clean and well designed.



March 20, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My grandmother was at Almond Heights and had a good experience there. She loved the staff. She always said that she was like the queen of the castle. It was very nice and brand new. She was one of the first ones to move into the place. The problem that we were having was that it was getting more and more costly because my grandmother needed a higher level of care. The other problem was her food situation. She is a vegetarian, and at first, they're were very accommodating, but then they stopped being accommodating. Every day for lunch and dinner, she had the same thing, either an egg salad sandwich or veggie burger, so there was no variety in her diet.



December 5, 2017

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My aunt is in Almond Heights, and she seems fine. We placed her in a studio although she wanted something bigger, but once she settled in, she was fine. It is adequate for her needs. She's quite happy there and has made friends.

4.09 stars from 24 reviews of Almond Heights Senior Living on®

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