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The Village at White River Junction

101 Currier Street, White River Junction, VT 05001

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

Memory Care

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Description of The Village at White River Junction

The Village at White River Junction is a revolutionary $27 million assisted living and memory care community with 80 large, light-filled apartments, restaurant-style dining, a fireside bistro, wifi throughout the building, as well as a dog park, a rooftop garden, a cinema, spa and gym.

Assisted Living

Our Assisted Living community will allow our residents to maintain a degree of independence while offering a helping hand with given tasks such as bathing, grooming, dressing and taking medications. Residents will receive an initial health assessment to determine the level of assistance that best serves their individual needs.

Memory Care

Our memory care program will be tailored specifically for the needs of individuals with Alzheimer's, or similar types of cognitive disorders. Services will include bathing, grooming, dressing, medication reminders and dispensing, housekeeping, laundry, assistance with mobility, and more.

Our Community

Whether it's in the gym, the dining room, our very own movie theater, or the spa, our experienced team of assisted living professionals is trained to assist with our residents' health and well-being.

Our community is located in a historic downtown setting, we are pet friendly, and our residents experience authentic heart-felt connections with staff and others in the community. We are a "community within a community"; the amenities that you need and want are here within The Village at White River Junction. We have over 20+ purpose-built amenity spaces, such as our library, spa and bistro.

Bring Your Small Pet

We welcome small, friendly dogs or cats, and we'll create a special grooming area so you can keep Fido or Tabby looking sharp.

Warm Companionship

Our mission is to maximize choice, independence and enjoyment for seniors and their families through a service-rich distinctive living environment.

The Village at White River Junction Amenities

Financing & Payment Options

  • All Inclusive Rent


  • Pets

Additional Amenity Information

  • Housing: 1 Bedroom Deluxe apartments are available.
  • Special Comment: Our community is located in a historic downtown setting, we are pet friendly, and our residents experience authentic heart-felt connections with staff and others in the community. We are a "community within a community"; the amenities that you need and want are here within The Village at White River Junction. We have over twenty purposeful amenity spaces, such as our library, spa and bistro.
  • State Licenses: Pending

Photos of The Village at White River Junction

Tour The Village at White River Junction

The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at The Village at White River Junction.

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Map of The Village at White River Junction

Costs at The Village at White River Junction

Assisted Living


Starting Price

Memory Care


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