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42 Assisted Living Communities in Indianapolis, Indiana

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $5,053 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 42 Assisted Living Communities in Indianapolis and several in surrounding areas.

  • Assisted living: $5,053
  • Nursing home semiprivate room: $6,910
  • In-home care: $3,813
  • Adult day health services: $1,733

Assisted Living Facilities near Indianapolis, Indiana

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Map of Indianapolis, Indiana

Assisted Living Costs in Indianapolis

At $5,053, the average monthly cost for assisted living in Indianapolis is significantly higher than the national average of $4,000. According to Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study, Indianapolis is one of the most expensive places for assisted living in the state of Indiana. While the Lafayette area is slightly more expensive than Indianapolis, other smaller cities, such as Terre Haute and Kokomo, average $1,400 to $1,600 less per month.

Cost of Assisted Living Comparison Chart



National average


State average






Terre Haute








Care Cost Comparison

As shown in the Cost of Assisted Living comparison chart, location can greatly influence the cost of senior care. Another major factor is the type of care required. In Indianapolis, the cost of skilled nursing care averages nearly $2,000 more per month than assisted living. When comparing assisted living with home care, home care appears to be significantly less expensive (about $700 to $1,200 less a month). However, it’s important to consider what kind of home care services are needed: homemaker services, home health aide services or both. It’s also necessary to weigh other costs related to staying in your home, including rent or mortgage payments, general maintenance and unexpected repairs. The cost of assisted living generally includes most of these expenses. Cost of Homemaker/Home Health Aide Comparison Chart

  • Assisted living: $5,053
  • Homemaker services: $3,813
  • Home health aide: $4,362
  • Adult day health: $1,733
  • Nursing home care (semiprivate room): $6,910


Cost of Homemaker/Home Health Aide Comparison Chart

Assisted living


Homemaker services


Home health aide


Adult day health


Nursing home care (semiprivate room)


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Indianapolis

Medicaid in Indiana

Low-income residents of Indianapolis may qualify for medical assistance through Indiana Medicaid. This traditional Medicaid program provides a variety of benefits such as home health care and nursing facility services. Financial support is also available for other long-term care options, including assisted living, through Indiana’s Aged and Disabled Medicaid Waiver listed below.

Medicaid services are available to low-income seniors in Indianapolis with incomes under $1,041 per month for an individual or couple, and a maximum of $2,000 (single) or $3,000 (couple) in assets. Assets may include bank account balances, cash on hand, stocks and bonds and property other than your home. There may be the option to pay a monthly patient liability if your income or assets are above the state limits.

To sign up for Medicaid, you can fill out the Indiana Application for Health Coverage online or call 1-800-403-0864. To apply in person, visit your local Division of Family Resources office.

Indiana Aged and Disabled Waiver

Residents of Indianapolis looking for financial support for assisted living may qualify for Medicaid’s Aged and Disabled waiver. The A&D waiver provides an alternative to nursing home admission and covers services in certain Medicaid-approved assisted living facilities. The D&A waiver is not an entitlement program, and waiting lists are common.

In order to qualify for assisted living services under the A&D waiver, residents of Indianapolis must be willing to live in a Medicaid-approved assisted living facility, have a monthly income of $2,313 or less and countable assets of no more than $2,000. Participants must also be assessed and found to need at least the level of care provided in nursing homes, which is assistance with three or more activities of daily living.

For more information about the Aged and Disabled waiver, contact the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration at 1-800-457-8283. Live chat help is also available on the website.

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Indiana Residential Care Assistance Program

Residents of Indianapolis who cannot live alone but don’t need skilled nursing care may qualify for financial assistance through the state’s Residential Care Assistance Program. RCAP funds can cover room and board, food, laundry and select services such as care coordination in contracted assisted living facilities.

To qualify for RCAP, Indianapolis residents must be at least 65 years of age or blind or disabled and a current Medicaid recipient or participant in the federal Supplemental Security Income program. They must also be willing to move to an Indiana assisted living facility that has an approved RCAP contract with the Division of Aging.

Typically, RCAP facilities help applicants complete the eligibility process. However, an applicant’s family, guardian or advocate may also complete the RCAP application, which is available online.

For more information about the Indiana Residential Care Assistance Program, contact the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration at 1-800-457-8283. Live chat help is also available on the website.

Assisted Living Resources in Indianapolis

Senior Centers in Indianapolis

One of the benefits of living in Indianapolis is the abundance of activities and services for older adults. The centers listed below provide fitness classes, healthy meals, personal interest programs, parties, organized trips and more. Some also provide transportation to and from the center.

Community Alliance of the Far Eastside (CAFE)
8902 E. 38th St., Indianapolis, IN 46226
(317) 890-3288, ext. 132

George T. Goodwin Community Center Silver Eagles Club
3935 Mooresville Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46221
(317) 247-5201

Hawthorne Senior Center at Retreat on Washington
2950 Kirkbridge Way, Indianapolis, IN 46222
(317) 637-4312

Heritage Place of Indianapolis
4550 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 283-6662

Indianapolis Area Agency on Aging

Indiana’s largest Area Agency on Aging, CIOCA, links seniors and caregivers with empowering community-based services and support. Programs include counseling for affordable long-term care options, transportation services, home accessibility assessments, caregiver respite and delivered meals. CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions
8440 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Ste. 175, Indianapolis, IN 46240
(800) 432-2422

Veterans Affairs

Eligible veterans in Indianapolis may qualify for medical benefits and other valuable programs and services through the Department of Veterans Affairs. Indianapolis is also home to the state’s tertiary VA care facility, which has served honored Indianapolis veterans since 1932.

Indianapolis Regional Benefit Office
575 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46204
(800) 827-1000

Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center
1481 West 10th St., Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 554-0000

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Other Senior Living in Indianapolis, IN

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  • Independent Living in Indianapolis, IN
  • Memory Care in Indianapolis, IN
  • Nursing Homes in Indianapolis, IN

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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