8 Assisted Living Communities in Staunton, Virginia
The average cost of assisted living in the city is $4,250 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 8 Assisted Living Communities in Staunton and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Staunton, VA
- Assisted Living: $4,250
- Nursing Home Care: $7,330
- In-home Care: $4,004
- Adult Day Health Services: $1,733
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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Staunton
January 2, 2019
Brookdale Staunton was just fabulous. My mom would have had a small apartment with another person, and that would have given her a bed, a dresser, a big closet, and even her own bathroom. Everybody seemed really nice and I think it would have been good for Mom. The person who showed us around was very personable, sat down and talked with us, gave us a routine idea of what they do for activities for the week, and let us look at their menu. She was very good.
November 19, 2018
Brookdale Staunton was quite nice. It didn't feel like a whole lot of old people hanging around. It was clean, attractive, and set up nicely. The staff that showed me around was very pleasant, did not oversell the place, and answered all my questions. The accommodations were not like nun's cubicles. They had a couple of setups to come try it out or use it as temporary respite. The whole place was quite interesting. It's in a very lovely location, but it's not near anything else and is far from downtown.
Map of Staunton, Virginia
Assisted Living Costs in Staunton
The average monthly cost for assisted living in Staunton is $4,250, which is about $200 lower than the state median rate ($4,451) but $250 higher than the national average of $4,000. This puts the Staunton area about midrange on the price spectrum of surrounding Virginia cities.
Assisted living is more affordable in Roanoke ($4,138), Harrisonburg ($4,100) and Lynchburg ($3,695), but it’s more expensive in Charlottesville ($4,577), Blacksburg ($4,695) and Richmond, which has the state’s highest assisted living rate at $5,049.
The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas
Care Cost Comparison
The available senior care options in Staunton span a $5,600 price range, from $1,733 for adult day health services up to $7,330 for nursing home care. The lowest-priced option only provides care in a group center on weekdays, while the most expensive offers round-the-clock skilled nursing care, medication administration, accommodations and meals. Homemaker and home health aide services cost an average of $4,004 per month, while the rate for assisted living is $4,250. These figures make in-home care seem a better bargain than assisted living, but this comparison is deceiving. In-home rates only include the hours of services provided, so meals and household costs are additional expenses. The fee for assisted living covers room and board, so the cost of food and housing is included.
Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart
Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Staunton
Medicaid in Virginia
Funded by individual states and the federal government, Medicaid is a health insurance program that spans the country. It provides coverage to over 65 million people, including expectant mothers, parents and their dependent children, the elderly and the blind and disabled.
In Virginia, the program is administered by the Department of Medical Assistance Services. It provides approximately 1 million of the state’s most vulnerable residents with access to essential health care services, including hospital and emergency room care, doctor and specialist visits, prescription medications, X-rays and lab tests, emergency medical transportation and institutional nursing home care.
Qualifying for Virginia Medicaid for Long-Term Care
To qualify for long-term care through Virginia Medicaid, residents of Staunton must be American citizens or have legal immigrant status. They must meet the program’s financial criteria of $2,313 or less in monthly income and $2,000 or less in countable assets as an individual. These limits are doubled to $4,626 and $4,000, respectively, for couples who apply jointly.
The state considers income from all sources when determining eligibility including:
- Wages
- Pensions
- Social Security and disability benefits
- Investment income
Most assets count toward the limit as well including:
- Cash
- Bank account balances
- Stocks and bonds
- Vacation and investment real estate
- Retirement account balances
A few assets are automatically excluded, such as:
- One vehicle
- Personal belongings
- An owner-occupied home worth $585,000 or less
- Household furnishings
- Irrevocable burial trusts
Qualifying With a Medicaid Spend-Down
Those who meet the other requirements but have excess monthly income may qualify for a spend-down to reach the eligibility threshold. Medicaid determines the necessary spend-down figure based on an applicant’s over-limit income level. When this figure has been spent for certain medical expenses, the applicant becomes eligible for coverage for a six-month period. Allowable expenses may include:
- Physician, hospital and dental bills
- Prescription medications
- Medical supplies
- Health insurance premiums
Staunton seniors can apply for Medicaid coverage online, visit the Shenandoah Valley Social Services office at 68 Dick Huff Lane in Verona or call (540) 245-5800 for information or assistance.
Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Waiver
Institutional nursing home care is the only entitlement for long-term care with Virginia Medicaid. The state does offer the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus waiver as an alternative for seniors who wish to receive care at home or in a community setting. This waiver allows seniors a less restrictive lifestyle and helps lower the state’s costs for long-term care.
Seniors who meet the requirements for Medicaid and are assessed as needing the level of care provided in a nursing facility are enrolled automatically in the CCC Plus program. Participants receive all-inclusive care through Medicaid-approved managed care providers. Along with medical care, participants receive case management and other support services deemed necessary to meet their care needs, which may include:
- Transition assistance to relocate back to the community
- Personal care
- Private-duty nursing services
- Prescription medications
- Assistive technologies
- Durable medical equipment
- Medical transportation
For more information about the CCC Plus waiver or to begin the application process, Staunton residents can contact the program’s enrollment helpline at (844) 374-9159.
Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living
Reverse Mortgage
Staunton homeowners who need additional income to help pay assisted living costs for one spouse may opt for a reverse mortgage as an alternative to selling the property. These mortgages provide homeowners with a monthly equity-based payment from a lender that may be used for any purpose. The payment amount varies based on an applicant’s credit profile, and they must be prepared to repay the balance when both spouses move out or the home is sold.
For more information about reverse mortgages, Staunton seniors can call Elderlife Financial Services at (888) 228-4500.
Virginia Auxiliary Grant
Seniors who need assistance retaining their independence but have limited income and resources may qualify for monthly benefits from the Auxiliary Grant program. Administered by the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services, the program is available to Staunton residents aged 65 or older who are moving to or currently residing in a participating, state-approved facility. To qualify for assistance, applicants must be an American citizen or legal immigrant and:
- Be aged 65 or older or disabled or blind
- Have a monthly income below the program’s limit of $1,296
- Have total assets of $2,000 per person or $3,000 per couple
- Be assessed as meeting the functional criteria
- Apply for Supplemental Security Income benefits
Approved applicants receive a monthly personal needs allowance, and a payment is sent directly to their care facility to cover provided services that may include:
- Furnished accommodations
- Assistance with personal care and activities of daily living
- Laundry and housekeeping services
- Medication oversight
- Supervision
- Prepared meals and snacks
- Social and recreational activities
- Transportation to medical appointments
To learn more about the Auxiliary Grant program or apply, Staunton residents can contact Shenandoah Valley Social Services at (540) 245-5800.
Assisted Living Resources in Staunton
Senior Center
VPAS operates Staunton’s thriving senior center that welcomes area residents aged 60 and over with an array of life-enriching programs and activities. The center is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and it offers seniors a healthy, hot lunch and opportunities to enjoy games, crafts, exercise classes, music and special social events. There are also seminars with guest speakers, health-related programs, educational classes as well as group outings and field trips. Membership is free and limited transportation is available.
Staunton Senior Center (Gypsy Hill Place)
300 Churchville Ave., Staunton, VA 24401
(540) 886-4634
Area Agency on Aging
The Valley Program for Aging Services is the Area Agency on Aging serving Staunton and the surrounding communities. The agency plans, coordinates and implements programs and services that promote a high quality of life and continued independence for area seniors. The various resources the agency provides access to include health and wellness programs, long-term care advocacy, Medicare counseling, transportation and nutrition programs as well as information, referrals and assessments. Valley Program for Aging Services
325 Pine Ave., Waynesboro, VA 22980
(540) 949-7141
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