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The Plaza at Lubbock Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation

4910 Emory St., Lubbock, TX 79416

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

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The Plaza at Lubbock Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Amenities


  • Star Health: 2
  • Star Overall: 1
  • Star Quality: 3
  • Star Staff: 1
  • Medicare Provider Number: 676105


  • Resident Capacity: 132

Photos of The Plaza at Lubbock Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation

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The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at The Plaza at Lubbock Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation.

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Map of The Plaza at Lubbock Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation

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Reviews of The Plaza at Lubbock Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation


1 review

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November 9, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

We liked The Plaza at Lubbock. It was really nice. The people giving the tour and the nursing staff in general seemed to really know the people that were there and stopped and talked to them. They were really good with them. It's very roomy. It's got a coffee shop out front and different places throughout where they could all gather. Everybody looked clean and happy. It was really nice. My mom has stayed there too for respite twice, five days each time. They're pretty large rooms, so they're not stuck in there. It's like a private room even when there were two people in there. It's really good sized. She didn't participate in activities, but there were options. They went out and ate dinner with other people and she participated more than she would. The facility was great. They had different places with things going on for different groups depending on what was appropriate for each group.

2.14 stars from 7 reviews of The Plaza at Lubbock Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation on®

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