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76 Assisted Living Communities in Dallas, Texas

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $4,350 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 76 Assisted Living Communities in Dallas and several in surrounding areas.

  • Assisted living: $4,350
  • Nursing home semiprivate room: $5,064
  • In-home care: $4,004
  • Adult day health services: $1,408

Assisted Living Facilities near Dallas, Texas

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Map of Dallas, Texas

Assisted Living Costs in Dallas

According to Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study, the average cost of assisted living in Dallas is among the highest in the state, second only to Austin where the average monthly cost is $5,190. When compared with the state average ($3,795) and the national average ($4,000), the average cost of care in Dallas is considerably higher. In smaller cities throughout Texas such as Wichita Falls ($3,312), Corpus Christi ($2,975) and Longview ($3,100), the average monthly cost of assisted living is much lower.

Cost of Assisted Living Comparison Chart



National average


State average




Corpus Christi






San Antonio


Wichita Falls


Care Cost Comparison

The type of care tends to be the biggest factor influencing the average monthly cost of care in Dallas. The cost of nursing home care is more than $700 higher than the cost of assisted living per month, and when compared with home care costs, assisted living is about $300 more per month. Although home care costs appear less expensive than other types of care, it’s important to consider additional costs that are associated with continuing to live in the home, such as rent, utilities and general home maintenance. When all expenses are considered, assisted living costs considerably less than home care or nursing home care. Cost of Homemaker/Home Health Aide Comparison Chart

  • Assisted living: $4,350
  • Homemaker services: $4,004
  • Home health aide: $4,040
  • Adult day health: $1,408
  • Nursing home care (semiprivate room): $5,064


Cost of Homemaker/Home Health Aide Comparison Chart

Assisted living


Homemaker services


Home health aide


Adult day health


Nursing home care (semiprivate room)


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Dallas

Medicaid in Texas

The Texas Medicaid managed care program is called STAR+PLUS. The program provides access to care for residents of Texas who are living with disabilities or who are aged 65 or older and require access to long-term care. STAR+PLUS covers a variety of services for its participants, including medical care, social support, case management and assisted living or home care.

The program accepts a limited number of applicants each year and is only open to seniors in one of the following categories:

  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
  • Receiving Medicaid through a Social Security exclusion program
  • Enrolled in Medicaid’s Breast and Cervical Cancer program
  • Eligible for the STAR+PLUS Home and Community-Based Services waiver
  • Residing in a nursing home and receiving Medicaid


In addition to being in one of the aforementioned categories, seniors must be 65 years of age or older, reside in Texas and require long-term care. Seniors must also have a monthly income that does not exceed $750 per month and can not possess assets valued at more than $2,000, with the exception of their home, which may not exceed a value of $500,000.

For more details about the eligibility requirements of this program and how to apply, seniors can contact 1-866-566-8989.


Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Community First Choice

Medicaid provides the Community First Choice program, which is exclusive to residents of Texas. CFC helps seniors who require long-term nursing care avoid further institutionalization. The program provides nurse visits and support services to those who reside in assisted living facilities or are receiving home care.

CFC is an entitlement program, which means that it has more flexible eligibility requirements than STAR+PLUS. Seniors who apply for this program must be 65 years of age or older, require long-term care and meet the financial eligibility requirements of the STAR+PLUS program. For more details regarding eligibility and how to apply, seniors can call 1-866-566-8989.

Optional State Supplement

In most cases, Medicaid programs only provide financial assistance with the cost of services in long-term care facilities. Seniors who require financial support to pay for the cost of room and board can apply for Texas’ optional state supplement. The supplement is intended to help low-income seniors afford costs not related to services while in long-term care such as assisted living facilities.

In order to receive OSS, seniors must already receive Supplemental Security Income payments and be residing in an approved facility. OSS benefits are calculated based on the senior’s budgetary needs and current SSI benefits. To apply, seniors can contact the Texas Department of Health and Human Services at 1-855-937-2372.

Community Care for the Aged and Disabled

Community Care for the Aged and Disabled is a Texas Department of Health and Human Services’ non-Medicaid program. CCAD offers several care options to seniors who are not eligible for or not receiving Medicaid but still require some financial assistance with the cost of care. Seniors participating in this program may be living in their own home and receiving home care services or in an assisted living facility.

To be eligible, seniors must be 65 years of age or older and require daily supportive care. They are also required to be financially eligible for this program, which means they may not have an income exceeding $2,250 per month and may not own assets valued at more than $5,000.

To apply, seniors can visit their local Aging and Disability Resource Center or call 1-855-937-2372.

Long-Term Care Insurance

Seniors and older adults who foresee the need for long-term care in their future may buy a long-term care insurance policy. Insured seniors who can claim the cost of assisted living through their insurance provider. In most cases, coverage comes with considerable deductibles, so it’s important to carefully consider the terms of the policy before purchasing.

The insurance company providing the policy determines eligibility. In most cases, current health status and health history play a role in determining eligibility and premiums.

Elderlife Bridge Loan

Seniors living in Dallas and other parts of Texas who are unable to receive Medicaid or OSS payments can apply for an elder bridge loan from Elderlife Financial Services. Bridge loans are paid directly to the senior’s care facility, and the senior and any applicable cosigners pay them back in monthly installments. Elderlife bridge loans offer low-interest rates and flexible terms.

Although eligibility is dependent on income and credit history, seniors are allowed up to six cosigners who are willing to help make payments on the loan, a feature that can drastically increase the likelihood of approval.

Assisted Living Resources in Dallas

Area Agency on Aging

Area Agencies on Aging support seniors in their community by providing assistance with basic services and offering advocacy programs that include benefits assistance and long-term care ombudsman programs. Area Agency on Aging of Dallas
1349 Empire Central #400, Dallas, Texas 75247
(214) 871-5065

Veterans Affairs

Some seniors may be eligible for additional benefits, including social, financial and medical assistance, through the Veterans Affairs department. Seniors can visit their local VA office to learn about available programs and eligibility.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
4500 South Lancaster Road. Dallas, Texas 75216
(214) 742-8387

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Other Senior Living in Dallas, TX

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  • Independent Living in Dallas, TX
  • Memory Care in Dallas, TX
  • Nursing Homes in Dallas, TX

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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