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10 Nursing Homes Communities in Pennington County, South Dakota

There are 10 nursing homes in Pennington County, SD and several nursing homes nearby.

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Reviews of Nursing Homes Facilities in Pennington County



May 11, 2021

I visited this facility

Holiday Hills Estates in Rapid City was beautiful, extremely clean, and everybody was very friendly. The layout was kind of awkward to me though, but the size seemed quite nice. To arrange your furniture and things like that just didn't seem real comfortable to me. There was good access in the bathrooms and closets, but the layouts were kind of different. I'd never seen anything like that before. We went to the dining area, they had a nice exercise room, a theater room, all kinds of games and puzzles, and activities. They were still doing quite a bit, even with the COVID. The only person we met was the marketing director, and she was very nice, very helpful, answered all of our questions, and had answers for the things that we were curious about.



January 9, 2021

I visited this facility

I visited Holiday Hills Estates. The tour was nice. The manager, and the office manager were very cordial, they made sure that we stayed away from every body else, and they stayed away from us. It was a nice place. My parents were not too impressed with it. They were like it was too big, too sterile, looks more like a hotel, I guess. The apartment was nice, I did not like the refrigerator, it was tiny, but other than that, it was nice. It was very nice just out of their price range. I believe they did have studios. But the only thing that they had available at that time was a 1-bedroom. It sounds like they had a lot, they had different rooms, a movie room, kitchen room where you could bring your family. And they had bingo downstairs, and a lunch room or a dining room. I know they had some activities, but I don't know exactly what all activities.



October 20, 2020

I visited this facility

My mom is going to move into Holiday Hills Estates. It is a wonderful place. Very nice. It looks well-run. I think it's a pretty nice place. The rooms were very nice. My mom saw an efficiency apartment and a one-bedroom apartment. She's going for the one-bedroom right now. The rooms are nice and well kept. I like that all the amenities are part of her rent; it was pretty nice. The recreational stuff looked really good. There were a bunch of ladies playing some bingo, gambling for funny money, and all kinds of stuff. It looked pretty fun. The staff members were very, very nice. I saw a few places and Holiday Hills Estates was by far the best.



October 2, 2019

I visited this facility

Holiday Hills Estates was a nice place. They had one- and two-bedroom and studio apartments, and they were all nicely arranged, clean, and freshly painted. The dining room was large, open, and nice. Upstairs was the weight room or exercise room, and they have a meeting room. They have ice cream socials and they play cards. The staff all seemed friendly.



January 2, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother is a resident of Holiday Hills Estates. I think the care they provide is pretty good, and her room is kept as clean as possible. She seems to enjoy the activities. They have lots. She especially likes the music; they have people who come in for them. Right now, the cook that they have is not the best, and I think they could do better with their meals right now. The food got a higher rating when we first moved in there, but they've had a change of cooks. She's a diabetic, and they don't cater to a particular diet in this particular community because they're a retirement community and not state-run. I would rate the rooms a four because some of the rooms do not have a full kitchen. This is one of the cheaper places in our community.

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