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The Linda Manor

345 Haydenville Road, Leeds, MA 01053

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

Memory Care

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Description of The Linda Manor


We provide a unique approach to assisted living which allows our residents to enjoy the many opportunities that are presented to them everyday, We give our residents the opportunity to enjoy life whether they are in need of assisted living or memory care our residents receive the love and respect they deserve.

We offer our residents a wide array of amenities such as an activity room, formal dining room, an internet cafe, a private dining room, lounges, a card room, a greenhouse, and a wellness center. We provide screened lounges and porches in in every assisted living residents wing, an arts and crafts studio, and guest suites are offered to residents who have visitors.

 We provide a greenhouse to residents who like gardening and an art gallery to showcase our residents masterpieces. Our memory care wing provides amenities such as a sunroom, a dining room, a library, an activity area, and a parlor.

Available Services

We provide many services to our residents in assisted living such as home maintenance, transportation for residents who need to be taken to appointments or shopping, housekeeping, trash removal, and a personal laundry service. Bathing, medication management, grooming, ambulation, and dressing assistance is available. Lab services are available on-site, health monitoring, and an alert system are all available to our residents who are in need assisted living. 

Our memory care residents are provided with creative pet therapy, quiet room, a sunroom, a music, and a secured courtyard are all provided to our residents who need memory care.

Here at Linda Manor we provide award winning care 

The Linda Manor Amenities

Financing & Payment Options

  • All Inclusive Rent


  • Pets

Additional Amenity Information

  • Housing: We offer Studio Apartments, One Bedroom Apartments and Two Bedroom Suites.
  • Special Comment: Linda Manor Assisted Living is proud to share a campus with Linda Manor Extended Care, allowing us to offer our residents a continuum of senior healthcare and housing options. Residents can rely on familiar faces within our communities when healthcare needs change or progress, and couples can remain close while each receiving the appropriate level of care.
  • State Licenses: Licensed by the state of Massachusetts

Photos of The Linda Manor

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Map of The Linda Manor

Costs at The Linda Manor

Assisted Living


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Memory Care


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4.75 stars from 5 reviews of The Linda Manor on®

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