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Terracina Grand

6825 Davis Boulevard, Naples, FL 34104

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Continuing Care Communities

Assisted Living

Memory Care

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Description of Terracina Grand

The luxurious Terracina Grand offers residents a variety of living accommodations and levels of care, including skilled nursing. Seniors can choose a residence that offers independent living, assisted living or memory care services, depending on current needs or when help is necessary as those needs change. Help with daily living tasks, medication management and physical therapy services are performed on-site by a caring, friendly staff, including a licensed nurse.

The environment is beautifully designed and has a large, elegant dining room where seniors are served delicious chef-prepared food with many options on the daily menus. Seniors can participate in a wide array of activities, including card games, lawn croquet, crafts and entertainment. An exercise room is available to help residents keep fit, and group exercises are also scheduled in the lovely outdoor swimming pool. Transportation is provided for residents who wish to travel to shops or local restaurants.

Terracina Grand Amenities

Fitness & Wellness Programs

  • Salon Services
  • Fitness & wellness facilities/equipment


  • English spoken

Staff Training & Qualifications

  • Staff trained in Medication Management

Aquatic Amenities

  • Swimming Pool

Health Services

  • Medication Reminders
  • Skilled Nursing

On-Site Services

  • Religious Services


  • Occupational Therapy/Rehabilitation
  • Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation


  • Communal Dining

Housekeeping & Maintenance

  • Housekeeping Services
  • Laundry Services
  • Linen Services

Personal Care

  • Meal Preparation

Specialized Staff

  • Nurse on Staff (Part time)


  • Pets

Photos of Terracina Grand

Tour Terracina Grand

The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at Terracina Grand.

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Map of Terracina Grand

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Reviews of Terracina Grand


3 reviews

  • Facility


  • Staff


  • Food


  • Activities


  • Value




April 8, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

We placed mother in Terracina Grand and they’re doing a great job. They do all kinds of things like bingo, crocheting, they have discussions on current events, and they bring them therapy dogs and ponies. The staff has been very caring and professional. I had a meal there once and I’ve seen the menu. I’ve seen the food, and the food is good.



September 30, 2017

I visited this facility

I was very impressed with Terracina Grand; it's very nice. There are all kinds of activities and people walking around everywhere. We saw people in the game room playing games and doing puzzles and in the library reading books. The two-bedroom apartments were terrific. The only problem I had there was there was no parking.



March 8, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My parents are currently in Terracina Grand. The place is all excellent but my dad needs skilled care and they have exhausted all they can do at assisted living. Their apartment is nice and the overall staff is excellent, although the CNAs are just okay. The food is excellent and the dining area is spacious, clean and formal. It's like being on a cruise ship. Some of the activities are happy hour, bingo, movies, there's exercise daily, art class, Rootbeer Sunday, and so on. I rate them very highly for independent living but for assisted living my rating drops because they don't have caring people to do the assistance. They're always rushing in to push the button and turn your light off then ask what you want so they can leave. They're not really there to assist you, so we had to hire private help. Most of the staff members are good, they just don't staff enough people.

4.29 stars from 21 reviews of Terracina Grand on®

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