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The Bee Hive Assisted Living - Ft. Morgan I & II

1620 E Riverview Avenue, Fort Morgan, CO 80701

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

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Description of The Bee Hive Assisted Living - Ft. Morgan I & II


Settled on the high plains of Fort Morgan, Colorado, The Bee Hive Assisted Living provides highly attentive assisted living. As a home dedicated to serving those who can no longer live safely on their own, our assisted living services are tailored to promote individual freedom and comfort. We collaborate with families and health care providers to provide the proper care and wellness opportunities to loved ones.

Our community offers a variety of well-lit private and semi-private apartments. Each apartment has available cable television, window treatments and a private bathroom. Common areas include a media room, as well as on-site beauty salon and barber shop.

The Bee Hive Assisted Living offers nutritious home-cooked meals every day in our restaurant-style dining room. Our staff crafts a host of programs and activities, keeping residents physically, mentally and socially active. Residents can expect events such as guest lectures, religious services and cooking events.

Available Services

Our compassionate staff assumes the chores and burdens of home maintenance and housekeeping. Scheduled transportation is available to get you to doctor’s appointments, local shopping trips or cultural events.

At The Bee Hive Assisted Living, we are focused on providing wellness solutions to our residents so they can thrive and live a full life throughout their retirement. Security is assured by 24-hour staff, available to assist and respond to daily needs. We are also there to assist with activities of daily living such as mobility, grooming and bathing.

Visit us at The Bee Hive Assisted Living, and see how bright your future can be.

The Bee Hive Assisted Living - Ft. Morgan I & II Amenities


  • Pets Allowed:


  • State Licenses: 2301CF – 2301C

Photos of The Bee Hive Assisted Living - Ft. Morgan I & II

Tour The Bee Hive Assisted Living - Ft. Morgan I & II

The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at The Bee Hive Assisted Living - Ft. Morgan I & II.

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Map of The Bee Hive Assisted Living - Ft. Morgan I & II

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5 stars from 2 reviews of The Bee Hive Assisted Living - Ft. Morgan I & II on®

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