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Walnut House

3401 Walnut Ave., Carmichael, CA 95608

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Independent Living

Assisted Living

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Description of Walnut House

Located in the Sacramento, California quaint suburb of Carmichael, Walnut House is a licensed assisted living and independent living community, offering programs and services that are uniquely designed to honor and promote the individual needs of our residents. Focused on creating an experience where residents receive the highest possible level of dignity, respect, and independence, extensively trained caregivers ensure residents have the supportive care they need by providing personal assistance and a helping hand. Walnut House carefully selects staff and provides ongoing training, education, and in-services to provide the highest level of care. Walnut House provided services include:

Medication management

  • Assistance with bathing, grooming, dressing, and personal hygiene
  • Assistance with scheduling medical and dental appointments
  • Housekeeping and laundry service

Walnut house offers private and shared accommodations for up to 90 residents in a secure, home-like environment with 24-hour staffing and care. A full schedule of events allows residents to continually participate in enjoyable pastimes, socialization, and engaging activities. Our staff ensures residents have a robust program and a variety of activities to choose from including daily exercise, crafts, games, cooking, entertainment, social events, religious services and much more. Residents also enjoy lunch and shopping outings as well as monthly visits from the mobile library. Meals are enjoyed together, and tableside service is provided in the dining room three times a day and snacks are available twice daily. Our meals are nutritiously balanced and planned under the supervision of a licensed dietician.

Independent Living:

Engaging in a fulfilling lifestyle is so much more than where you live. It's the people and opportunities that surround you. Many seniors today want to live independently yet enjoy well-planned social activities and meals in a comfortable and safe environment. CiminoCare offers apartments that open to common rooms to support this community atmosphere. Housekeeping and home maintenance are taken care of by the staff, leaving residents to enjoy their time as they choose.

Assisted Living:

Experienced caregivers provide personal assistance with daily living activities, always treating residents like family. 24-hour staffing helps provide residents with the care they need.

Walnut House Amenities

Financing & Payment Options

  • Rent And Care Fees

Additional Amenity Information

  • Fee Structure: Community Fee: $800
  • Housing: Private & Shared Rooms - Pets allowed in IL only
  • Licenses: 340302464
  • State Licenses: 340302464

Photos of Walnut House

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The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at Walnut House.

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Map of Walnut House

Costs at Walnut House

Independent Living


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Assisted Living


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Reviews of Walnut House

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3.55 stars from 11 reviews of Walnut House on®

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