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The Living Center of Concord

160 Warren C. Coleman Boulevard, Concord, NC 28027

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

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Description of The Living Center of Concord

The Living Center of Concord provides seniors with all of the comfort and peace that they want in their retirement years. The Living Center is a community-style facility where seniors can come to live, be cared for, and enjoy themselves. Residents are given assistance with bathing, grooming, meal preparation, dressing and more. First Assembly Living Center aims to provide a safe and nurturing environment where seniors can feel at home while being assisted by a caring staff available 24/7. In addition to providing an enjoyable retirement home in the heart of a bustling city, The Living Center also offers on-site and off-site devotional services, on-site activities, an indoor common area, a beauty shop and meals. Transportation is offered at no extra cost and residents can also enjoy free Wi-Fi from anywhere in the building. Those who are looking for senior living should take time to visit The Living Center of Concord because it has everything retirees need and want.

The Living Center of Concord Amenities

Financing & Payment Options

  • All Inclusive Rent


  • No Pets

Additional Amenity Information

  • Housing: Bedrooms w/private bathroom
  • Special Comment: This community is located in a vibrant city that is full of plenty to do and plenty to see.
  • State Licenses: HAL013044

Photos of The Living Center of Concord

Tour The Living Center of Concord

The best way to get to know a community is by scheduling a tour. See the facilities, meet the staff and residents, and get a feel firsthand what it's like to live at The Living Center of Concord.

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Map of The Living Center of Concord

Costs at The Living Center of Concord

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Reviews of The Living Center of Concord


5 reviews

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June 24, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Our experience with The Living Center of Concord was wonderful and they were excellent and fantastic. They did everything they could possibly do for Dad. The place was clean. They were A-plus. The staff was wonderful, phenomenal, and very caring. I have no complaints. They should be recommended all the time. There are many activities and amenities. Their physical therapy department was awesome, and their church services were phenomenal and Dad loved them. They had games and programs which my dad was able to participate in. They keep the residents very busy. The staff is right there wholeheartedly in taking care of the residents. The food was good and they have options. It was excellent.



May 15, 2020

I visited this facility

The Living Center of Concord was nice and their apartments were good. I saw the residents eating lunch and they seemed happy. I saw the cafeteria, it was nice and clean. They had a nice room for activities and all. The staff there was really nice. Everything about the place was convenient and I like the people there. What the person who explained to me was really good, they had a nurse on duty at all times and a doctor comes by 3 times a week.



May 2, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

The Living Center of Concord offered my sister a private room for an amount that she could afford and yet she could still be in an assisted situation. We loved the way it was set up, what they could do, all the activities she could have, and the affordability of it. They have the cafeteria where she has three good meals a day, and they have an activity room where they have an activity person that does things with them. They have a great way of getting her to shower and be safe. They take them out on the bus and go places. The bus allows her power chair to be loaded on it. The staff is great, the nurses have been really good, they have physical therapy and a nursing facility, a doctor comes on-site to see her once a week, and they also have a podiatrist. I've eaten several meals there, and it's been good every time. The place is a little older, and it is attached to a church.



March 30, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

The Living Center of Concord seems to be nice and clean. What stood out to me was the living area where the residents watch TV. I also saw the kitchen area and a big dining area, which could also hold a lot of people. Nothing really stand out-stood out, but overall it was nice. They provide three meals a day. Their double-beds were kind of small, but they were OK. They take the residents out to museums or Walmart, they have various activities, and they take them to see the lights during Christmastime. They also have activities inside the community. The staff also seems nice. They have a courtyard area outside, which is fenced in.



February 24, 2020

I visited this facility

We toured the Living Center of Concord, and we weren't impressed with the place. We didn't think it was all that clean. The person who assisted us wasn't very friendly. Most of the people were in their rooms and they weren't enjoying themselves like the other places we went to. They have a very small exercise room that I observed, the rooms were very small, and they were able to have a very small television. However, the rooms were very closed in, and they weren't roomy at all. They didn't have a dining room situation per se; they just had a couple of tables in there, and they looked like card tables.

4 stars from 16 reviews of The Living Center of Concord on®

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