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Sugarbush - Maple House

G-4226 Beecher Road, Flint, MI 48532

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

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Description of Sugarbush - Maple House


Welcome to Sugarbush House #4. Our inviting senior living community offers residents the comfort and convenience of a hassle-free lifestyle free from the burdens of home ownership. Located in the city of Flint, we provide a variety of on-site services to help our residents enjoy their stay to the fullest. In addition, we provide a choice amount of amenities to promote a relaxing experience for individuals residing at our community. Accommodations come in a selection of options. Depending on the individual, Sugarbush House #4 could be the perfect fit for seniors seeking senior living options in or around Flint, MI.

Sugarbush - Maple House Amenities


  • No Pets

Additional Amenity Information

  • Special Comment: At The Sugarbush Houses we see a different way of assisting our elderly members through a new stage in their lives. Acknowledging that where they live is their home. We have established a facility that meets their needs and nourishes their social connections, individual dignity and personal preferences. All of the bedrooms are extremely large some are to be shared. Each bedroom has its own bathroom with colorful tile and amenities. Comfortable chairs for sitting are available around the house. Common areas include an extremely large living room with floor to ceiling windows with a view of the blooming apple orchard. A ceiling-mounted projector T.V. can show their favorite movies. There is a central courtyard located in the middle of the home for even more natural light.
  • State Licenses: AS250338095

Photos of Sugarbush - Maple House

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Map of Sugarbush - Maple House

Costs at Sugarbush - Maple House

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Reviews of Sugarbush - Maple House

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5 stars from 2 reviews of Sugarbush - Maple House on®

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