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51 Assisted Living Communities in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma

There are 61 assisted living facilities in Oklahoma County, OK and 7 assisted living facilities nearby. The average cost of assisted living in Oklahoma County, OK is $4,813 per month.

Assisted Living Facilities near Oklahoma County, Oklahoma

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Oklahoma County

Concerned relative


January 16, 2020

I visited this facility

We have a relative that is being referred to the memory care unit. We toured the memory care unit at the mansion. It smelled bad the moment the door was opened. The floors, walls and rooms were filthy with damages and filth on walls and floors. The meal was presented in a very unappetizing fashion. The staff looked unkept and unprofessional. For the amount these patients pay for their care, there is no excuse for the lack of dignity offered to them. Our hearts are heavy after viewing what these elders are enduring.



October 5, 2019

I am a past client of this provider

We used Right at Home Edmond for my husband as a babysitter. If I needed to go to a doctor, I would call them and they'd come and visit with him for a while. Both caregivers we had were very good. Their care was excellent.



August 15, 2019

I visited this facility

The rooms that I saw there were very nice, the place itself is also very nice, and it has a pool. Their grounds ae very nice and there's a pond that you can go fishing on if you want to. It's also located in a nice part of town. They also have activities like outings, games like bingo, and whatnot. I only met one lady. She was a resident who also lived there, but she was also showing people the apartments. It was a toss up between this place and the one I'm currently in. The thing that got me to pick the other one was the size of the room and the location. The layout was nice and the facilities were nice. Each apartment had a storage facility where the residents can put their Christmas decorations or seasonal stuff.



July 16, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother moved into the Mansion at Waterford. It was hard getting started, but it's getting better day by day. She likes having access to more activities. I think she's settling in nicely, although there were some rough edges at first. The room is wonderful, and they totally renovated it to her liking before she moved in there. It's very bright and cheerful. They have more than enough activities for her, including transportation to and from Walmart, and to her doctors' appointments.



July 16, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother is a resident of Lyndale Edmond. It's a well-run, non pretentious, homey atmosphere where they genuinely care about the residents. The staff is great and very attentive. They have apartments, they have variety, 1 bed, 2 beds, studios, lake-side, and not lake-side options. They have a completely full monthly schedule, regular meals, they have special themes, jazz nights, they have different musical groups that play, they have excursions, and everybody has plenty to do. The library is very nice, it's managed by a former librarian, the exercise room is going to be improved, and it needs it. I found the management and staff more personable than the other places I visited.



July 2, 2019

I visited this facility

I visited Epworth Villa's assisted living. There were a lot of people around doing things independently compared to long-term care. I have known about them for a long time because it's part of the Methodist church initiative for senior-care. The community was fine. It was lunchtime and they had residents eating in the various facilities. The residents seemed actively engaged in visiting with each other and doing stuff. The place looked good, but the individual rooms where the residents reside were very small. They have a lot of activities in the community; they also take the residents out. I met a friend there who was getting ready to go out on a tour that was offered to them. Other than assisted living, they also have other services available. It had very good outward curb appeal and looked very nice.



June 18, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother-in-law and aunt were in Lyndale Edmond previously which was why we also chose it for my mom. She's in independent living and it's been great. They offered them a lot of activities physically and off-site, walking activities, church, a place to get hair done, and exercise. They're building a hot tub, pool, rec center, and they have a beautiful pond they can walk around. My mom likes the food. The staff is very friendly, and the rooms are very spacious and nice.



May 30, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Hefner Mansions has been really good. They were very helpful in getting my mother moved in, and she is having a wonderful time. They have a lot of activities that keep her occupied and happy. She's got a better attitude now that she has moved in to there. She's played some card games, they have exercises, yoga, and entertainment. The food is good, and she hasn't had any complaints about it. They have a community room, game room, and church services. She has a full-size stove in her kitchen.



May 16, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I love it. It's clean and the people are nice. My mom has been in the hospital and their nurses call us every day to make sure she was still doing OK and they have visited twice. The food is good. My mom joins the prayer meetings, church services, and singing. My mom's room is wonderful.

Map of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma

Oklahoma County Assisted Living Facilities Cost

The median cost of assisted living in Oklahoma County for a single-occupancy apartment is $4,813/month (Genworth - 2013). This monthly cost typically includes rent, utilities, dining, housekeeping and transportation.

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