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Lake Pointe Landing

333 Thompson Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

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Reviews of Lake Pointe Landing


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April 5, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

The Bridge at Lake Pointe Landing is great. My friend is in a one-bedroom, which has a living room and a wall kitchen. The nurses give her medication and breakfast is brought to her. They help her get ready for bed at night, take her down to the dining room, pick her up, and bring her back. She seems to be very comfortable there. It's a nice, very clean, and modern place. It's the best assisted living that I have seen around this area. There is a bridge group, movies, bingo, and a chapel for different denominations. It's a full calendar. The staff seems to be competent, and my fried is happy with her meals. It's very expensive. Somebody who didn't have very much money would not be able to go there.



December 13, 2017

I visited this facility

We liked Lake Pointe. They have patio homes, a duplex, and it had more a private home than an apartment feeling. It had more space, the landscaping was well done, and well-kept up, and you could actually rent or buy one of the patio homes. That was appealing to us. They have a very nice dining area, and the people working there were very nice.

4.26 stars from 30 reviews of Lake Pointe Landing on®

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