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56 Nursing Homes Communities in Fairfield County, Connecticut

There are 56 nursing homes in Fairfield County, CT and several nursing homes nearby.

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Reviews of Nursing Homes Facilities in Fairfield County



May 11, 2021

I visited this facility

Initially, when I got to Middlebrook Farms at Trumbull, I was not that impressed with the outside, but the inside is lovely -- very beautiful. We were looking at a one-bedroom apartment; it was very nice. They're not huge, but it's nice. The person who took me on the tour did a great job. She was very kind, very informative, and very helpful. She gave me any online information that I needed to help my dad figure out how to make it work financially. I did not try eating there, but the menu looked very good, and everyone looked happy. I saw a list of all the activities. It seems like there were at least seven a day that were going on, but I didn't observe one.



March 26, 2021

I visited this facility

We went to see The Village at Brookfield Common with my mom. She had the chance to see the activity rooms, meet with some residents, and see the community areas where they socialize. That was the specific reason why it beat out the other one, because the other one was much more strict with where visitors could go and what they could see. They have a salon and a cinema, too. They also do arts and crafts, and they have all kinds of activities that they can do in the activity room.



September 17, 2020

I am/was a resident of this facility

I stayed at Hancock Hall for respite care in their rehab. The staff was wonderful, they were all very caring, very pleasant, the place was immaculately clean, and they were very careful about this COVID thing; they didn't have any cases there. The rehab was very good. The food was very good, and the physical appearance was very nice. I was very satisfied.



June 10, 2020

I am a past client of this provider

We used Fairfield Family Care for 2 months. My experience was excellent, the people they sent were fabulous, they were competent, friendly, compassionate, helpful, and professional. The service and billing was fine, the agency was concerned about my mom, and that she got good service. They came 3 days a week, 4 hours a day. They made sure she took her medications, she was washed and clean, and they did a little housekeeping. The record keeping may be off in the beginning, but other than that the billing was fine.



May 15, 2020

I am a current client of this provider

We are using Fairfield Family Care for my mother. The services are basically bathing her, making sure she eats, and the caregiver is very good at keeping her playing games, and keeping her occupied. She keeps her amused for a few hours a week. We love her. Communication is going well, they've been responsive, and I'm satisfied with the care.

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